The Carlsbad-based Move Your Feet Before You Eat®! Foundation was created to promote health and well being through incorporating regular physical fitness into daily life. The foundation provides free Move Your Feet Before You Eat! Refrigerator magnets, Mileage Club materials, incentive certificates for program leaders and participants, and motivational videos and speakers to schools throughout North County. The Foundation donates to schools and non-profits that encourage physical activity. It is for all ages, but its sharpest focus is on encouraging physical activity among young people, who face an epidemic of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes that are an increasing threat, in part, because today's children aren't getting enough physical activity. Since 2007, the Foundation has donated more than $470,000 to local schools and non-profits in North County.

Volunteer of the Year

Inspiration to All

Congratulations to our Move Your Feet Before You Eat Foundation Volunteer of the year 2024 Sally Cohenour-Kerl! Sally has been an inspiration, organizer and leader to the 840 Students, teachers and staff who have participated in the Miles of Smiles Mileage Club at North Terrace Elementary. Would you like to learn about our FREE Miles of Smiles Running program? Email us at the button below.


We would like to congratulate the 13 schools from 5 districts with close to 3,000 students for participating in our Miles of Smiles program. Learn more at our Miles of Smiles page.

Join us at one of our events and support MYF!

Upcoming Events

O’side Turkey Trot

Join us Thanksgiving morning as we “Move Your Feet Before You Eat!”, one of North County’s favorite, annual family traditions! Choose between a 5M run, 5K run, 5K walk, or our Tiny Trotter races just for the kids. Learn more at Proceeds benefit the Move Your Feet Foundation!® and 90+ other charities that service North County.

Combatting Childhood Obesity Since 2006

We are always looking for volunteers to help us with our running programs in local schools. Please contact us at [email protected] or on the form below to get involved.

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